
Paradox Kinetics’ Platform Projects

In every moment of your life, your fitness and health engage in your experience, your perspective. We design every service, session and development platform as a living thing. This is not a gimmick or jargon to say we haven’t figured it out yet. It’s a pledge of commitment, to be honest with ourselves and with you. We believe in your ambitions, this is our commitment to see them through.

The following describes the spirit contained in your programme selection. 


Time, the ultimate commodity. The older we get its significance grows and our experience with it changes. People and commitments seek to take time from you. At Paradox, we seek to encourage every moment you choose to engage. Reclaim your time with our most focused and mediated programme. 

If you feel underwhelmed by your capabilities

If you're curious about your potential

If you feel the desire for change

 It's time, embrace your return to strength.


A blue-collar path to extreme ownership. Work-life balance is one of the biggest lies of our modern society. How much work you do weighed against how much fun you get to have, what a terrible way to live. At Paradox the lines of work and enjoyment are veiled in ownership. We believe liberation is the consequence of effort and passion.

If you believe in challenging the status quo

If you believe life is on the other side of discomfort

If you believe that to train is to build 

It's time to get to work, together we'll find True North

Partial Remote Training

Paradox Kinetics approach to partial remote training is a blend of solo autonomy, creative collaboration and the backbone of real fitness and training tools. It’s an approach designed to inspire you from a distance and personalise your training experience. 

At the same time, it’s personal agency with unlimited potential for emergence.

What to expect:

The training tools and experiences for this program have been created the old-fashioned way by coaching real people, one on one, over years. These are the tools we use every day to get people real results now adapted for remote coaching. 

With our partial remote program the guessing ends and the results begin!

Coaches' Personal Guarantee

Hey, I'm Colin I'll be your coach!

I've been developing the programs listed here for over a decade. I've dialled them in the old-fashioned way, time spent in the arena. I do not compromise on individualised programs, robust timely results and a great training experience. 

This is my guarantee to you, if you're not a believer after your first two weeks your bill is on me!

"I've been using Morpheus and before that Bioforce HRV for over a decade now. Morph, as I like to call him, is the voice in the back of my head that keeps me humble and honest. Once you start using a system like this it's very tough to go without!"  - Coach Colin

We Train With Morpheus

Introducing the Morpheus system for smarter heart rate training, better conditioning, and faster recovery. Maximize your health. Elevate your performance.

Take the guesswork out of fitness. Morpheus turns your lifestyle and recovery data into targeted training zones and weekly goals to build your cardio faster than ever

The truth about cardiovascular fitness and conditioning is that they aren’t just important for athletes training for performance. They are a huge piece of the puzzle for anyone training to maximize their health and wellness to live better, and longer.

In today’s world, building better cardio isn’t just about pushing yourself as hard as you can, day in and day out.

That’s an old-school recipe for mental and physical burnout and there’s a better, smarter way.

Smarter training and better results starts with using Morpheus to make cardio more sustainable, more fun, and more effective.

Train Smarter. Recover Faster


(Invitation Only)

A diplomatic passport was a gift a dignitary bestowed upon a person to live a life of exemplification. Khans and Emperors would gift tablets or emblems made from precious metals, which conferred tremendous prestige and power on the bearer.

Champions live on the margins, on the edge of the feasible and the improbable. To receive the Gereg is to leave society's standards of acceptance behind and define yourself. 

You will leave your former self behind and you will not look back.

This program is the end's beginning. 

This program is in one hand a crown and the other a noose.

This is an origin story, a hero’s journey, and a call to arms.

Dreams are won.